
Previous and upcoming medical missions.


Innovation — Quality — Health (HealthIQ)


To provide exceptional pediatric, obstetric, and oncological care to women and children in Nigeria, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.


To optimally and equitably provide basic and highly specialised pediatric, obstetric, gynaecological, and oncological care to Nigerian women and children using a dedicated team of conscientious, skilled professionals operating in a state-of-the-art facility.

Value Statement

Anchored in positive attitudes and compassionate behaviors, CWCH’s core values strive to ensure that every patient that comes to CWCH receives equal and fair treatment from every personnel. These values include a patient’s rights, comfort, privacy, dignity, confidentiality, and security. We will foster such values through interdisciplinary collaboration, staff professional development and a robust medical infrastructure.

Our Tenetes

—    To uphold the highest standard of patient rights, comfort, culture, dignity, privacy, security and individuality,

—    To maintain the highest level of healthcare by ensuring a culture of continuous professional development.

—    To foster interdisciplinary collaboration and professionalism among all practitioners in guaranteeing best patient care.

—    To engender new-age, leading edge practice by employing innovative technology tools and solutions in the delivering quality and safe healthcare to our clients

—    To ensure equitable quality healthcare access, irrespective of economic class through smart healthcare financing strategies.

Our Corporate-Social Chatter

Under the auspice of the Child Survival and Development Organisation of Nigeria (CSDON), among other national and international healthcare development partners, the Calabar Women and Children Hospital (CWCH) fosters several Medicaid projects geared at improving access healthcare accessible, especially to the underprivileged.

Working primarily with CSDON, among other national and international healthcare development partners, we promote the provision of quality healthcare to both the poor and the rich in society through various healthcare financing strategies. We also organise periodic medical missions to meet the healthcare needs of indigent people in society.

You can support our Medicaid projects by donating, joining our fundraising campaigns and/or volunteering.